Monday, February 6, 2017

Book Review: The Business School by Robert Kiyosaki

The book revolves around the Network Marketing Business but does provide some good thoughts and insights of what it takes to be successfully rich. I will share some of the best views put forward by the author (of course from my perspective!).

Traditional education is a good thing to posses but its too little to make you successful. It trains you to be very good employees, but doesn't do much to help you become an entrepreneur. Along with Mental (which the traditional education targets); physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions need to be nurtured. This is where the value of a Network Marketing business kicks in. It helps where the traditional education fails. Why do most of 'A' students end up working for a few 'C' students?

The author categorises people into 4 quadrants: Employees (who are too timid to take risk),  Self-employed (who are too smart to trust anyone and end up doing everything themselves), Investors (whose income come from their investments) and Business-owners (who have people running their businesses and are the 'Elite'). The former two categories generally are poor, Investors tend to be rich but the super-rich are the Business-owners. At last, Leadership skill is not an Option for B-category unlike any of the other 3 categories. And remember, Money follows the leader. As the poor work for money, the rich have the money working for them.

Winning is a habit and so is loosing. Winning starts with a dream.Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass! (these are not my words but of PJ Meyer). There are dreamers who dream in the past (completely futile!), some who dream too small (afraid of taking risk and want security!), some dream and have achieved it but didn't dream bigger (complacent!), some dream big but don't have a plan (too lazy to help themselves!). Only a handful of dreamers dream big, achieve those and go on dreaming bigger dreams.   

Never fear failure. Its an opportunity and nature's way of learning. Rebuilding oneself is the only way to make money. Failures help us identify the areas needed to be rebuilt. Everyone wants to shift from the left quadrant (E/S) to the right quadrants (B/I). The key to this is setting the right priority. People prefer making quick money to changing quadrant i.e. honing new skills and hence end up quitting. 95% of people fail in first 5 years when trying to move across the quadrants. But the real bright side is that the remaining 5% do get the chance of being ultra-rich.    

Losers are people who are afraid of loosing.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Valuation of OLA's Cab Aggregator business

Dear readers,

Here in the presentation format I am sharing a simple way to evaluate OLA cabs's car aggregator business in India using the DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) approach.

A two phase growth model has been considered in which Ola is expected to grow at an decelerating rate for first 10 years and then expected to reach a steady state phase.

Although equity valuation is an art, a market share based approach with the expected futuristic market condition (in terms of monopoly to perfect competition scenarios) simplify the problem. Although I am more into quantitative finance, I find it a good problem to ponder upon! :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011


VENI VIDI VICI.....: WHEN DO YOU THINK YOU ARE AN ENTREPRENEUR ??: "You are undoubtedly destined to be an Entrepreneur ...When you get fired and you decide to be self employed... or ...When you are frustr..."


You are undoubtedly destined to be an Entrepreneur

...When you get fired and you decide to be self employed...
...When you are frustrated by your boss and want to induce the same on the other tyros....
...When you just want to conceal being called a shrewd “businessman”, and veil it by a reputed terminology instead...
...When you are not able to sleep (thinking that your friend is earning three folds of what you are!)
...When your forefathers have massed up a lot of money, and you just wanna justify your share in it...
...When you are a carefree lazy-bone and just wanna hear from your kids that “My dad is so assiduous, remains busy in his work throughout the day!”
...When you are desperate to prove that “Afterall, money can’t buy you happiness ...”


Sunday, June 19, 2011


My unfulfilled wishes, shattered dreams
Have the right to know
Why didn’t they materialize?
Why still craving for jobs, even if
Nation progressive in leaps and bounds!

Why my hunger, my thirst
Not yet quenched? Even if
Putrescent grains in stocks prevalent,
Even though countless dams built,
Why my crops still lifeless?

We have the right to know
Why are there no roads?
Neither power nor post-offices, why
Need to adhere to our legs and stamina?
As though we’ve no rights!

Why alone we face the nature’s fury
While, nation watching dumbstruck!
Our kids do wish to be literate
Why my ailing mother’s wailing
And no trace of hospitals!

My vote, my breath, my pulse
Have the right to know
In spite of such big promises
Why aren’t we even thought about
Aren’t we humans or if don’t exist!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The XIXth Commonwealth Games has been recently concluded in our capital city of Delhi, leaving behind a bunch of ulterior issues to ponder upon. Overcoming the terrible uncertainty, security hiccups, infra-failure and management glitches that shrouded the mega-event a week before its commencement, the Indian Govt. along with its concerned CWG authorities did a great job in somehow Jugaading the whole event. Kudos to our national sportsmen who placed us ahead of England grabbing the second position in the table (other than shooting, boxing and wrestling we had gold in Discuss, badminton and TT proving that we are improving in other arenas too!)

But at the end if you try to quest for the fact that who have gained the most from the event- is it the Delhites (who have endured the heavy pollution, traffic snags, the falling pillars and caving roads but got a break from their hectic schedules!), the National sports system (who have at least got a couple of stadiums for nurturing the athletes, though not the durable ones!) or the bureaucrats and builders (who made mad budgets and false promises and have siphoned the national money to swell up their personal bank accounts)? The answer is before you!

Counting on India as a brand, we have failed to a great extent. For a poor country to overhear the cries and necessities of its citizens and blow away a whopping `70,000 crores just to augment itself as a brand on the international platform, the act is undoubtedly not justified! Furthermore, we first tainted ourselves by the outburst of widespread corruption charges, nepotism, bureaucratic delays and mis-management both in the national as well as international media. And in the post-games scenario we have been just able to replenish or in better words “cover-up” the derogation caused before! We must have improved ourselves on the corruption charts but not at least as a brand.

If we really want to show the world that we are a transformed country and a neo-dynamicIndia”- we need a serious self-introspection and need to penalize the bureaucrats and the organizers ( humare paise bhi kha liye aur dakkar tak na liya!). If we have the highest corruption rates in the world, we are going to root it out of our system in lieu of getting used to it! Possessing a shortcoming is not a problem, but not rectifying it once you are aware of it is a vice.

Let us hope for the best, Jai Hind!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Jugaad”, though unnoticed, this six-letter word has become the integral entity of our modus- operandi, and to be more precise has been vividly dictating our lives. Jugaad has become the order of the day! In context to our IITD lives, it is all what we do to get a bewitching “B.TECH” degree (obviously not for all those who find the ACADS interesting!) when we would conclusively and proudly proclaim IITD as our “alma-mater”.

Be it fetching the hard-to-find class notes the night before the brain-killing exams and staring at them till the dawn breaks, or be it Jugaading assignments just a few seconds before the submission ultimatum, or be it convincing the caretaker (for getting your favourite room) or the fuming profs on your delinquency (and in the worst of the cases when you are eligible for a DISCO!) or be it arranging certis for your so called ultra-important “RESUME”. You can’t negate the fact that ““Jugaad” is prevalent everywhere!”

A lot depends on your individual perspective of Jugaad. For you it might be a veneer to pass through the loopholes of the system or in more exaggerated words “DEFYING THE ADVERSITIES”. It is a neo-innovation of accomplishing a task under the harshest of constraints. It is what the popular technocrats called “FRUGAL ENGINEERING” i.e. developing something viable even from scraps. Do you know why India maintains the staggering figures of about 8% GDP growth rate in spite of its poor and under-developed R&D base? The answer is quite simple! Our corporate leaders are exceptionally good at Jugaad. Jugaad is an amalgam of creativity, master manipulations and might even comprise of unethical steps. Had Guru bhai not Jugaaded cloth-mills in the name of spare parts, he had not been able to transform his enterprise into an MNC even in his four generations (you would get my point well if you have watched the movie “Guru” or if you are a fair fan of Dhiru Bhai Ambani!). It’s a remedy to kleptocracy!

Jugaad is not preponderant just in our nocturnal-style of fetching marks (though most efficient if you see it as percentage of marks achieved per minute allocated to!) but also in every other spheres of life. That is how 26% of Indian population feed their families! Jugaad is ubiquitous and undoubtedly unavoidable if you want to be at par with the pace of the world or even try to be a little bit more optimistic. We all are intimate with the grim scenario of the Common Wealth Games 2010, even then we tenaciously believe that our reposing and inefficacious bureaucracy would Somehow JUGAAD this upcoming mega event!

Conclusively, Jugaad is the very essence of our lives (in the language of the programmers the CODE of our life function) and an one-word answer to a lot of our successes. Jai Jugaad!!